
Who Are Those Mask Men?

The Eels have built a “Wall” in their Crease. An “impenetrable wall.”



The Eels have built a “Wall” in their Crease An “impenetrable wall.” This wall is not built with stone or cement or other such materials. Oh no. It was indeed, designed by an architect. Eels GM Scarpaci. He then handed to blueprints over to his master craftsmen his coaches. Premier Coach Frank Scarpaci and Elite Coach Mitch Hill With the instruction. “This Wall  is made to Stop Pucks.”


The Eels “Wall” if you will are its goaltenders. These goalies  were hand selected.  They are the fruits of our efforts: Months of scouting, recruiting and testing them at Post Season Showcases. We left no stone unturned. We took our time. We searched the globe and particularly we liked what we saw from Canada and the USA. We scouted and did our due diligence. Hours of video, talking with previous coaches and scouts. Ah,  We have the guys we wanted. Every goalie we wanted we signed. They are  extremely talented and skilled young men. “Our Mask Men.”  They are experienced, highly gifted and equally important mentally tough.


On the Premier side of the equation, we all know we have the return of Alex Caron. He was appropriately coined by Dan K as “Alexander the Great” during the Eels National debut last March. Caron was incredible. Nothing short of spectacular. Simply considered one of the best goalies in North America and no doubt top in the entire USPHL. The Eels coaches were very excited when he decided to return this season. Opposing coaches are shaking their heads. He is so tough to score against. Alex echoes, “he wanted so bad to come back…he was right there. We had it. We tasted it and wants that Championship. He has unfinished business.”


Eels also have the return of veteran Devin Selleck who too was at Nationals and is looking to set his mark with the Eels Premier team this season. He trained very hard over the post season.  Devin did very well over the Spring and Summer at the Post Season USPHL Spring Showcase and Pro AM sr. Chowder Cup. His play was solid and is looking to help the Eels return to the top spot in the Florida Division and  bring home a National title. If every player brought the enthusiasm, grit and team spirit as Devin, we would never lose a game. He will do whatever it takes to win. This year he brings so much more to the ice, locker room and to the team. We are thrilled to have Devin back.


Then there is newcomer Duncan Rolleman New Hamburg, ONT. This young man comes in with considerable promise. At 6’6 225 lbs. his presence is immediately felt. But he brings to the “table” much more than size. He is an extremely talented goalie who has poise skill and mental toughness. He is a humble young man. He spent considerable time in the off season to prepare for the season with the Eels. He attended top goalie camps. He intended to  show the Eels coaches he could be an impactful player.  He too was tested at the Pro AM Sr Chowder Cup and he performed remarkably. He has had a very strong training camp. The Eels expect him to ripen into one of our top performers on our team and in the USPHL.


The 4th goalie is rookie netminder OlIvIer Dulac from Quebec. He brings to the table a lot of engergies and has solid talent. He is anxious and willing to learn and develop.  He has a great attitude and knows the Eels legacy and tradition of developing goalies. He is the future of the Eels.



On the Elite side of the equation, the Eels are stacked. We have returning veteran Jake Mork. Jake was a rookie netminder for the Eels last season. It was his year to develop and be baptize if you will in Junior hockey. He indeed was immersed in that task. He became a solid netminder. He took over the top spot last season overtaking a number of veteran goalies. Over the summer he matured even more as player and a person. Goalies develop on a different time table than skaters. Jake gets it. You can’t rush it. He is getting stronger every day he hits the ice.  He too joined us at the Pro AM Sr Chowder Cup and his performance was outstanding. Jake came in this year and has a new found commitment. He has gotten stronger, and his skill set is solid. He wants it. But realizes that as a goalie it takes time to resonate your game to the Next Level. He watched how the Eels developed Alex Caron and how he ripened into the top netminder in the league. That is what Jake wants. He is looking to dominate at the Elite level and capture the Eels top job next season. We love what we are seeking in Jake this year. He had a great camp, and we look forward to his performances this season.


The second goalie on the Elite team is Matthew Schoer. Matt played for us at the USPHL Pre Draft in May. He was an unknown. Matt stole the show in Boston. He impressed all of the Eels coaches so much we offered him a spot. He is a veteran netminder with an impressive and proven record. He has solid skill set. Very poised and mentally tough.  Solid rebound control. Great positioning. Challenges shooters. A high character individual. GM Scarpaci loved the way he played. We feel he and Mork will be a dynamic duo and goaltending tandem and will help return our Eels Elite team to a top team in the Florida Division and battle in the playoffs for a National run.


So folks these Mask Men Are Our “Wall” They do not stand alone. They are part of a mosaic. Part of the “architected blueprint” that has been carefully and precisely laid out.  So  come by and meet them. Be it before or after the games, or at practices, feel free to say hello to our Netminders. Our Goalies. They are the last baston of defense. They close the door in our house. We all look forward to having a great season.

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