
The Florida Eels Premier Team Defeats the Tampa Bay Juniors 4-1 to Avenge Friday’s Loss

The Premier team came back home Friday night shaking their heads. Not because they lost but in the way they played. It wasn’t there simply put. They were off in the front end. The fore-check wasn’t in place. They didn’t back check as they normally do and their D-Zone was upside down. You could say our goaltending was edgy as well. Generally, when one aspect is off the other one compensates. But we simply were not playing in sync. However, we did not panic. We came back and Saturday we regrouped looked at our deficiencies and inequities and Coaches Scarpaci and Carlson made their adjustments.


You could see from the drop of the puck this was a more rested team. A more energized team. A more confident team. A return to normalcy. A jump in their stride. Harder on the puck. More intelligent passes and plays. Hungrier. They smothered the Juniors on their fore-check and suffocated them in their back check. They unleashed shot after shot. The second forward was crashing the net. Goaltending was on mark. In the end they were victorious. 4-1 Ironically that was the same score they lost to on Friday night against the same team.


The Eels Premier took back 1st place and are now looking towards Wednesday’s game against the Palm Beach Typhoon. We play Wed in Palm Beach and back at home on Sunday. Tampa plays Atlanta so every game is critical if we want to gain some space between them and Tampa.

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