
Madhatters Edged Eels Elite in OT 5-4

Eels Showed enormous resolve with dramatic come back to bring their game to OT

The Eels made a strong come back with a 3-1 deficit in the 3rd period. You could see it in their 1st and 2nd period play they had bus legs and were lagging a bit behind. But the Eels conditioning brought them alive and they sparked energies.

The Eels actually stormed back to take the lead 4-3 but the refs called a penalty on the Eels with seconds before the final whistle.. However the pesky Atlanta team had something to say about this and capitalized on a power play and Madhatters scored to bring it to OT. The Madhatters elapsed the Eels with a breakaway on their 3-3 and won.
The Eels though not happy with the loss were glad to come out with a tie garnering 1 point after a day long trip from Florida.
The Eels are looking to avenge their OT loss today with a double header. The Eels play game 2 of the weekend at 11:30 am and their 3rd game at 8:45 pm

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