Zebley, Morris, Moreno, Hambling, Bertrand SIGNED

Florida Eels are excited to announce the RE-SIGNING of 04’ forward Anthony Zebley for the 2024-2025 season! Zebley joins the Eels for his FOURTH season, with over 60 points. Zebley, four year veteran, will return once again with tenacious drive and impeccable skill to lead the way for another season. Welcome back Anthony!
 Florida Eels are excited to announce the signing of 06’ Forward Seth Morris from Rancho Cucamonga, CA for the 2025-2025 season! Morris had an impressive 64 point Rookie season with the Seattle Totems in 23-24, and is ready to dominate the offensive zone this fall for the Eels! Welcome to the Eels family Seth!!

 Florida Eels are excited to announce the signing of 06’ Forward Fernando Moreno IV, for the 2024-2025 season! Fernando, a Florida native, joins the Eels ready to light the lamp this season! Welcome to the Eels family!
 Florida Eels are excited to announce the RE-SIGNING of 07’ forward/defenseman Spencer Hambling for the 2024-2025 season! Hambling joined the Eels last season playing in 29 games with 6 points. We are excited to welcome him back this season!
 Florida Eels are excited to announce the signing of 08’ Defenseman Konnor Bertrand for the 2024-2025 season! Bertnard, Canadian native, joins the Eels for his rookie season and is ready to tear up the ice! Welcome to the Eels family!

Dohan, Cochran, Buell, Shchevyev, Ideström brothers, Rotante, Blyth, D’Ambrioso, McMahon SIGNED

The Florida Eels are excited to announce the RE-SIGNING of Canadian 04’ Defenseman Brendan Dohan for the 2024-2025 season. Dohan joins the Eels for his second season, at 6’2” 207 lbs and ready to dominate the ice. The Eels are thrilled to welcome Brendan back for another season and have him apart of the Eels family!
 The Florida Eels are excited to announce the RE-SIGNING of 05’ Forward Alex Cochran for the 2024-2025 season. Cochran joins the Eels for his second season, after an impressive 42 point season in 23-24. Cochran has the quick ability to make plays and help execute finding the net! We are excited to welcome him back this season and see him on the ice this fall!

 The Florida Eels are excited to announce the signing of 06’ Defenseman Devlin Buell. Buell , Florida Native, spent last season in Canada playing in over 50 games with 16 points. The Florida Eels are excited to welcome Devlin to the Eels family this season!

Florida Eels are excited to announce the RE-SIGNING of 07’ Defenseman Nikita Shchevyev for the 2024-2025 season. Shchevyev will be joining the Eels for his second junior season. With strong instincts and grit Nikita will help mind the defensive zone this fall. Welcome back Nikita!
The Florida Eels are excited to announce the DOUBLE signing of Swedish twins Jacob and Maximilian Ideström for the 2024-2025 season. The 05’ defensive pair will dominate the ice this fall! We are extremely excited to welcome them to the Eels family for this upcoming season.

Florida Eels are excited to announce the signing of 06’ Goaltender Ethan Rotante for the 2024-2025 season. Rotante joins the Eels for his first junior hockey season, from New Jersey. We are excited to have him between the pipes and guarding the house this season! Welcome to the Eels family Ethan!

 The Florida Eels are excited to announce the signing of 04’ Defenseman Owen Blyth for the 2024-2025 season. The British Columbia, Canadian native, Blyth joins the Eels after playing in Seattle last season. We are excited to have him join our program and Eels family this season!
The Florida Eels are excited to announce the signing of 06’ forward Carmen D’Ambrioso for the 2024-2025 season. Pennsylvania native will be joining the Eels for his first junior season this year! Welcome to the Eels family Carmen!

Florida Eels are excited to announce the signing of Colin McMahon for the 2024-2025 season. McMahon joins the Eels this season after playing in Utah last season. We are extremely excited to welcome him to the Eels family!

Elzinga, Bikakis, Wilson, Carnes, Gough, Volturier, Torrone, Campbell, Hart SIGNED

Florida Eels are excited to announce the RE-SIGNING of 2007 Defenseman Ty Elzinga. At 5’11”, 185 lbs Elzinga returns to the Eels for his second season. With a strong hockey sense, true dedication and tremendous work ethic Elzinga is ignited for this upcoming season!
 Florida Eels are excited to announce the RE-SIGNING of 2006 Forward Yiorgos Bikakis. Bikakis joins the Eels for his second season, playing in 38 games, scoring 18 goals, 17 assists with a total of 35 points his Rookie season. Yiorgos is a high impact player who is ready to lead the way this season!
Florida Eels are excited announce the RE-SIGNING of Forward Jackson Carnes for his FOURTH SEASON with the Eels!! Carnes joined the Eels in 2021, and has played in 104 games, had 16 goals, 26 assists, with a total of 42 points. Carnes is a true leader and bleeds green and black! We look forward to having him back on the ice with us this fall!

Florida Eels are excited to announce the SIGNING of 07’ Forward William “Billy” Torrone! Torrone, former practice player for the Eels, gets the call up this season! At 6’0” and 180 lbs Torrone is ready to step on the ice to light the lamp this fall!
Florida Eels are excited to announce the signing of 07’ Forward Esteban Voiturier for the 2024-2025 season. Voiturier joins the Eels this season from France! Esteban played in 17 games, had 19 goals and 11 assists last season for Amiens U17 French team last season. We look forward to seeing him find the net this fall
Florida Eels are excited to announce the signing of 05’ Defenseman Neil Hart for the 2024-2025 season. Hart joins the Eels after playing for Motor City Gamblers last season. We are extremely excited to welcome him to the Eels family this season.
Florida Eels are excited to announce the signing of 06’ Forward, Viktor Gogh for the 2024-2025 season!! Gogh will be joining us from Slovakia, where he played last season for the OHA U18 AAA in 25 games, scoring 7 goals, 5 assists with a total of 12 points. Viktor at 6’0” and 185 lbs is ready to dominate the ice and make his presence known. Welcome to the Eels family Viktor!

Florida Eels are excited to announce the signing of Paxton Campbell for the 2024-2025 season. The Florida native played for the Florida Warriors last season and will be joining the Eels for his first junior season this year. Campbell was an impact player for the Warriors and will bring skill and depth to the Eels this year! Welcome to the Eels family Paxton!
The Florida Eels are excited to announce the RE-SIGNING of 04’ Defenseman/Forward Reid Wilson for the 2024-2025 season! Canadian native, Wilson will join the Eels for his third season. Wilson’s tremendous heart, character and passion for the game makes him an unstoppable force. We are glad to have him back this season and part of our Eels family!

Engles Commits to Cleary University

The Florida Eels are excited to announce the college commitment of Premier Defenseman Landen Engles to Cleary University for the fall 2024-2025 season. Engles joined the Eels program in 2020 and remained an essential member of the Eels family for four seasons. Landen started his junior career with the Florida Eels Elite, where he became a grounding force and leader, earning the tile of Captain. It was with his determination, hard work, and skills that he worked his way to a top defensive spot on the Florida Eels Premier team. Although, a foundational member and leader on the Eels Premier, Engles continued to play a mentoring role amongst the Eels Elite, helping guide, motivate and inspire alike. Over the course of his four years with the Florida Eels Engles played in 121 games, scored 32 goals, had 72 assists with a total of 114 points.

Landen Engles states that he fondly remembers the time he spent with his teammates, and the memories he created with the boys. Engles appreciated the family like culture that the Eels cultivated, allowing the players to not only play the sport they love but truly feel like they are part of something bigger. It was that same culture that drew him to Cleary University. Visiting the campus, Landen quickly felt like it was “home”. It was then that he made his decision to join the University to continue his collegiate hockey career and gain an education in Business and finance.

Engles South Dakota original native, migrated to Southwest Florida with his family, where he joined the Eels program. Engles, is thankful for the tremendous support of his family, who continue to support his goals and dreams of playing college hockey. Landen knows that is because of their support that he was able to pursue the training and develop into the player he has become. Landen is excited about joining the Cleary family next season, and knows that his family will continue to support him, from Florida.


The Florida Eels know that Landen will continue to be an exemplary example of commitment, dedication, hard work and leadership amongst his new teammates. We wish him all the best in his colligate hockey experience and look forward to following his journey.




Eels Expose Showcase Teams to Junior and College Coaches at Pre-Draft

The Florida Eels coaches brought 3 teams to Massachusetts to compete in the Pro Am Pre Draft. The players get the chance to practice and scrimmage before the actual showcase games. The Eels brought its coaching staff as well as coaches from Canada and college coaches to assist with the weekend games. The players were not only there to compete on the 9 showcase games gaining exposure and visibility in front of over 100 college and junior coaches. The Eels also use this forum as a tryout for next season’s Eels Premier and Elite teams. The Eels coaches were extremely pleased with some of the players who joined us These were very tough games as the competition was against top teams in Canada and across the USA.

Bell Commits to Towson University

Florida Eels are excited to announce that Premier Goaltender Tobias Bell, commits to Towson University for the fall of 2024-2025. Bell joined the Florida Eels Premier in 2022, playing in 37 games, with 26 wins, and 7 losses in his two seasons. Bell was an influential member of the Premier team.

New York native will head Maryland, to attend Towson University in the fall after two years in Florida. Bell is very excited to play at the University and gain be apart of the campus and community. With his enthusiastic nature, Bell will add a spark and light the way for the Towson community.

Bell knows that it was his family’s support that allowed him to pursue his dreams, goals and passions, without it he would not be where he is today. Tobias enjoyed his time playing for the Eels and has many fond memories over the two seasons he was apart of the Eels community.

The Florida Eels are extremely excited for Tobias, and wish him the very best at Towson next season.

Bzovey Commits to Oswego

Florida Eels are excited to announce the college commitment of Premier Defenseman Braeden Bzovey to SUNY Oswego for the fall 2024-2025 season. Bzovey joined the Florida Eels in 2021 where he played in over 61 games, scored 6 goals, 27 assists and had a total of 33 points.

Canadian native moved to Florida to persue his junior hockey dreams. Bzovey spent the time, and gave the dedication to transform into one of the Premier teams top defensemen over the course of his time with the Florida Eels. Bzovey’s work ethic propelled him to take major strides from a leading point man on the Florida Eels Elite to a power defenseman on the Premier.


Bzovey credits his success to the support of his family, in allowing him to chase his dreams of playing junior hockey, and now attend college in the states. Bzovey will head to New York this fall, to attend Oswego. He is extremely excited to participate in their hockey program and gain an exceptional education from their university.


The Florida Eels wish Braeden much success in his collegiate hockey career! We know he will continue to represent the Eels family, and we look forward to seeing what he accomplishes.

Potter Commits to Indiana Tech

The Florida Eels are very excited to announce the college commitment of Premier Forward Sebastian Potter to Indiana Tech for the fall 2024-2025 season. Potter joined the Wisconsin Rapids Riverkings in 2022, before joining the Florida Eels Premier in 2023. Join his time with the USPHL Potter played in 88 games, scored 24 goals, had 41 assists with a total of 65 points.

Potter a play maker for the Florida Eels will be heading to Indiana Tech in the fall. Sebastian is excited to start his collegiate hockey career and earn his degree from Indiana Tech. He looks forward to being apart of the team and the college atmosphere. Potter’s dedication and commitment over the course of the season was unparalleled and we have no doubt he will show this same dedication to the community of Indiana Tech.

Michigan native credits his success and ability to achieve his goals to the support of his family. Potter states it is with their support that he has been able to focus, and achieve all that he has put his mind too.

The Florida Eels are extremely happy for Potter as he embarks on his new adventure and wish him the very best at Indiana Tech.

Florida Eels Elite Make USPHL Florida Divisional AllStars

The Florida Eels are excited to announce that four of the Florida Eels Elite players have been selected for the USPHL’s Florida Divisional Allstars: Forward Fynn O’Neill (Purdue Northwest Univeristy), Forward Alex Cochran, Forward Zayn Haddon-Harris, and Defenseman Sean Burke (Elon Unversity).

The Florida Eels are proud of all of our Elite players and their tremendous efforts this season. The Elite team worked extremely hard throughout the course of the year, and has a fire to come back even stronger this upcoming year. With that, we look forward to a great upcoming season.

For the full story of the USPHL’s Florida Divisional All Star Selects, be sure to visit www.usphl.com

Four Florida Eels Players Announced As USPHL All Stars

Florida Eels are excited to announce that four players from the Florida Eels Premier team were selected for the USPHL Florida Divisional All Stars: Forward Noah Trathen, Forward Jared Salminen, Defenseman Maverick Crupi and Defenseman Brayden Goddard.

The Eels Premier team was exceptionally talented and proved to be among the the most competitive finishing as Semi-Finalists at the 2024 USPHL Nationals. All Eels coaches, players and staff worked exceptionally hard to help the players reach their goals.

We are extremely proud of the accomplishments of all our players including the four chosen for the USPHL Florida Divisional All Stars.

For full story visit www.usphl.com

What's Happening with the Florida Eels

Keep up with the freshest news & the exciting games of your favorite PREMIER & Elite USPHL teams!