The Eels continue to be the pinnacle of excellence. Don’t you feel YOU deserve this? 282 Florida Eels Players Have Been Advanced to College.
The following colleges have committed to our players:
Adrian College NCAA DIV. III
Alabama Huntsville NCAA DIV. I
Albertus Magnus College NCAA Div. III
Aurora University NCAA DIV. III
Arizona State University ACHA
Babson College NCAA DIV. III
Becker College NCAA DIV. III
Bentley College NCAA DIV. I
Boston College NCAA DIV. I
Boston University NCAA DIV. I
Buffalo State NCAA DIV. III
Bryant University ACHA
Canisius College NCAA DIV. I
Castleton State College NCAA DIV. III
Colby College NCAA DIV. III
Colorado State University ACHA
Columbia University ACHA
Concordia University Wisconsin NCAA DIV. III
Curry College NCAA DIV. III
Daniel Webster University NCAA DIV. III
Davenport University ACHA Div. I
Drexel University ACHA
Finlandia University NCAA DIV. III
Fitchburg State University NCAA DIV. III
Florida Atlantic University ACHA
Florida State University ACHA
Framingham State University NCAA DIV. III
Franklin Pierce University NCAA DIV. II
Florida Gulf Coast University ACHA
Grand Valley State University ACHA
Hamilton College NCAA DIV. III
Hamline University NCAA DIV. III
Hobart College NCAA DIV. III
Hudson Valley Comm. College
Indiana University ACHA
Johnson and Wales University NCAA DIV. III
Lake Forrest College NCAA DIV. III
Superior State College NCAA DIV. I
Lawrence University NCAA DIV. III
Lebanon Valley College NCAA DIV. III
Lewis University ACHA
Manhattanville College NCAA DIV. III
Merrimack College NCAA DIV. I
Michigan State University NCAA DIV. I
Minnesota State University NCAA DIV. I
New England College NCAA DIV. III
New York University ACHA
Nicholas College NCAA DIV. III
Northeastern University NCAA DIV. I
Northern Arizona University ACHA
Northern Illinois University ACHA
Northland College NCAA DIV. III
Post University NCAA DIV II
Plymouth State University NCAA DIV II
Sacred Heart University NCAA DIV. I
Salem State University NCAA DIV. III
Salve Regina University NCAA DIV. III
Skidmore College NCAA DIV. III
Slippery Rock University ACHA
Southern New Hampshire University
St. Anselum NCAA DIV. II
St Mary’s College NCAA DIV. III
Stevenson University NCAA DIV. III
SUNY Broome NCAAA Jr. College
Thomas College ACHA Div. II
Townsend College ACHA
Trine University NCAA Div. III and ACHA Div. II
U Mass Boston NCAA DIV. III
U Mass Lowell NCAA DIV. I
University of Central Florida ACHA
University of Connecticut ACHA
University of Florida ACHA
University of Indiana PA
University of North Colorado ACHA
University of Maine NCAA DIV. I
University of Maryland ACHA
University of Maryland Baltimore ACHA
University of Minnesota ACHA
University of New Hampshire NCAA DIV. I
University of Notre Dane NCAA DIV. I
University of Oklahoma ACHA
University of Rhode Island University ACHA
University of Central Florida ACHA
University of Southern Maine NCAA DIV. III
University of Southern New Hampshire ACHA
University of Vermont NCAA DIV. I
University of Wisconsin NCAA DIV. I
Utica College NCAA DIV. III ACHA
Waldorf University
West Michigan State University ACHA
Westfield State University NCAA DIV. III
Worcester State University NCAA DIV. III
Additionally, four Eel players have been drafted into the NHL (Teddy Ruth, (Notre Dame) (Washington Capitals now with the Columbus Blue Jackets) RJ Boyd (Michigan State Univ.) (Florida Panthers) Brad Peltz (Yale) (Ottawa Senators) Cam Darcy (Northeastern Univ.) drafted by the Tampa Bay Lightning 2014 and another three were in attendance at NHL Prospects camps Malcolm Lyles (Florida Panthers), and Bennet Sneider (NY Islanders) and Clay Whitt Tampa Bay Lightning.
The Eels continue to be the pinnacle of excellence. Don’t you feel YOU deserve this? Contact Florida Eels Jr Hockey GM at 941-400-9023
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