Salminen Commits to Rivier University

Florida Eels are excited to announce the college commitment of Premier Forward Jared Salminen, to Rivier University for the 2024-2025 season. Salminen a four-year USPHL veteran started his Junior Hockey career with the Florida Jr. Blades, in 2020-2021 where he played for two seasons before joining the Florida Eels Premier in 2022. Over the course of his junior hockey career Salminen played in 168 games, had 52 goals, 101 assists, with a total of 153 points.

Florida native heads to Rivier University where he plans to study Sports Management. Salminen, states he is “excited about the goals of the (hockey) program” and his future on the team. Salminen will head North this fall leaving his family, who live locally in Florida. Salminen, credits his success to the “support of my family throughout my (junior) years.”

Salminen enjoyed his time time with the Florida Eels and appreciates the “coaching staff who work hard at providing opportunities for everyone.” Jared part of the tenacious “coneheads” line, along with College Commits Devin Shepherd (Framingham State University) and Noah Trathen (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth), were a dominant force on the ice. However, Jared’s 6’2”, 195 pound presence was a force in itself. Salminen was as dedicated to his office training as his on ice, and helped lead the Eels to two playoff victories, and to the Semi-Finals of Nationals.

Jared Salminen will be joining Eels Alumni Damon Kiyawasew at Rivier Univeristy in the Fall. He will be a wonderful asset to the Rivier family and will continue to be a wonderful representive of the Eels. Congratulations Jared, the Eels wish you all the best in your college career.

Bergman Commits to Jamestown Community College in New York

Florida Eels are excited to announce the college commitment of Elite Forward Cooper Bergman. Cooper joined the Florida Eels in 2023, where he remained for two seasons. During his time with the Eels he played in 61 games, scored 8 goals, had 18 assists and a total of 26 points. While with the Eels Cooper demonstrated a strong work ethic, and strong leadership skills. It was this that lead him to be named Assistant Captain for the 2023 season.

During Cooper’s time with the Eels, he was a true embodiment of what a an Eels is: loyal, hard worker, a member of the community, to name a few. Cooper conducted himself with a high moral fiber, not just focusing on himself but his teammates and how to propel them to be successful. Cooper’s overall attitude was nothing short of impeccable, always showing up with positivity, drive and determination to get the job done.


Jamestown, New York native will return home from Florida to hometown for the College experience. Bergman expressed that he as excited to not only pursue his college education but have the opportunity to once again be close to home and near his family, where he can spend time with his nephews. Cooper looks forward to not only gaining an excellent education from Jamestown Community College but participating in their hockey program. Additionally, Cooper plans to continue his community involvement and perhaps take part in coaching a local youth hockey team.


Cooper was a remarkable asset to the Eels organization and will be missed next season. The Florida Eels wish Cooper great success in his future both in academic and hockey career at Jamestown Community College.

Florida Eels Welcome Mike Gennello As New Elite Head Coach

After playing with the Eels in the 2016-2017 season, Gennello advanced to NCAA Division III Hockey at Framingham State University, where he would play 3 years before graduating in 2021. After graduating Gennello continued his playing career overseas lacing up for Muik Hockey in Finland Soumi-Sarja. The 2022-2023 season saw Gennello move to behind the bench, starting the season as the Assistant Coach with the USPHL Northwest Division Vernal Oilers. By Thanksgiving Gennello would assume interim Head coaching duties and less the team to a 21-8-5 recorded which included a Division title, and USPHL National tournament appearance. “I am super excited to be returning to the Eels organization. Frank and Frankie are the best in the business and I’m excited to be joining a staff that has continued to grow and find ways to get better each and every year they compete.”

The Florida Eels would like to wish the warmest of wishes and the best of luck to Coach Mitch Hill.

It is with a heavy heart that we wish farewell to our good friend and his family. Mitch has been the Eels Elite head coach for the past 3 seasons where he took his team to 2 Divisional titles and 2 USPHL National appearances. He also served alongside Coach Frankie Scarpaci as assistant coach of the Florida Eels Premier team.

We all have some great memories over the last 3 seasons, with Mitch getting married to Kayla last year and this season with the birth of his beautiful daughter, Brielle. We will always cherish the smiles Brielle brought to his face. What a ride it has been and Coach Mitch will always be a part of our Eels family.

Coach Mitch will be moving on to pursue other business ventures and will be missed.  He will continue to work behind the scenes with Coach Frank, Coach Frankie and our staff  to make the transition smooth and seamless.  No doubt Coach Mitch will also be involved in our continued recruiting efforts for the seasons to come.   We wish Mitch and his family the very best…

Ghafari Commits to Middle Tennessee State University

Florida Eels are excited to announce the college commitment of Elite Forward, Marc Ghafari to Middle Tennessee State University for the 2024-2025 season. Two year USPHL Florida Eels veteran Ghafari played in 32 games, scored 5 goals, had 5 assists, and a total of 10 points. Ghafari will make his college debut next season at MTSU.

Ghafari states that while playing for the Eels he honed his competitive nature, “the eels are a competitive environment, where the standards are high. We expect nothing but the best.” He plans to use this completive nature and drive to help propel him in his collegiate hockey career and in his academic studies.  Ghafari plans on using these learned skills to help him excel in his academics and future hockey career.

Marc Ghafari, Canadian native is excited to attend college in Tennessee. As the University allows him to pursue the his dreams of becoming an airline pilot, as it offers a strong aviation program. Ghafari attributes his abilities and success to the support of his family. As he states he “would not be where I am today without my family’s support. They allowed me to go after my junior dreams and now college.”

The Florida Eels wish Marc great success at Middle Tennessee State University.



O’Neill Commits to Purdue University Northwest

Florida Eels are excited to announce the college commitment of Elite Forward, Fynn O’Neill to Purdue University Northwest for the 2024-2025 season. O’Neill a veteran of the USPHL Florida Eels Elite team, played in 43 games, scored 23 goals, 28 assists and a total of 51 points. O’Neill will continue to be a dominating forward at Purdue University Northwest next season.

O’Neill states that he has many wonderful memories and experiences playing for the Florida Eels over the course of the year, but his most memorable moment for him was “scoring the game winning goal for the Eels (Elite) during an Eels playoff game.” Playing for the Eels, O’Neill was able to “meet some great characters on the team and make lasting friendships.” Learning from the Eels discipline, work ethic and task management O’Neill will foredge his way into the new collegiate world of academics and hockey.

Attending Purdue University Northwest, Fynn plans to study Biological Sciences. It is the University’s dedication to bettering people on and off the ice is what drew O’Neill to the school. O’Neill represented the Eels with high quality character and will continue to demonstrate this as he attends University in the Fall.

O’Neill states that it is with his family’s support that he was able to achieve his goals of playing junior hockey, and head off to college in the fall. “My family has always been my rock. They have always supported me throughout my career, and will always be my number one fans!” It is with their support O’Neill knows he will able to continue to reach his career goals.

The Florida Eels wish Fynn O’Neill great success in his collegiate career and know he will continue to represent the Eels proudly. O’Neill will be joined by fellow alum JJ Diaz as they pave the way at Purdue University Northwest this fall.

Diaz Commits to Purdue University Northwest.

Florida Eels are excited to announce the college commitment of Elite defenseman and Captain JJ Diaz to Purdue University Northwest for the 2024-2025 season. Diaz a four-year veteran of the USPHL began his junior hockey career with the Bridgewater Bandits in 2020, before joining the Florida Eels in 2021. Diaz spent the next three seasons playing for the Florida Eels Elite team, where he became Captain and front runner of the team. Over the course of his tenure at the USPHL Diaz played in 120 games, scored 7 goals, had 42 assists and a total of 49 points.

Diaz will head to the Purdue University Northwest in the fall of 2024 where he plans to study Business Management and Business Financing. Diaz states that he chose Purdue, “because of the education, campus, class size, coaching staff and team.” He looks forward to becoming an active member of the Purdue campus and hockey team.

California native, JJ Diaz moved away from home a young age of 16 to play for the Bridgewater Bandits, before transferring over to the Florida Eels in 2021. Diaz attributes his success to his time with the Florida Eels, “I’ll remember most of my four years of Junior Hockey with the Florida Eels. The Eels signed me and it changed me into a better player both on and off the ice. The different cultures and nationalities of my teammates allowed me to learn a lot and was fun to learn about my teammates and try to speak their languages.” Diaz’s hard work and leadership ability did not go unnoticed, and he was named Captain of the 2023-2024 Elite team. To Diaz, each teammate and member of the Eels staff became extended family, “I loved my billet families, and the overall scene of Fort Myers. Everyone was joyful and happy which was very comforting” Diaz stated.

Moving away from home at young age, allowed Diaz to grow and develop into a young man of character. Diaz’s family continued to support him both near and from far, “they have been my number one support cast.” Diaz’s parents continued to attend showcases and games when they could, while his grandmother drove down from the Orlando area to watch every home game-ready to cheer him on.

Work Ethic a key ingredient of the Florida Eels according to Diaz, we all had “passion to win. We pushed each other to pour limits and wanted success for each other.” It is with this undeniable work ethic, that Diaz will succeed at Purdue University Northwest both academically and at his hockey career. Diaz will continue to represent the Eels as an Alumni, at Purdue University Northwest, along with other Eels alum Fynn O’Neill. The Eels wish him much success and luck with his new collegiate hockey career.

Trathen Commits to UMASS Dartmouth

Florida Eels are excited to announce the college commitment of Premier Forward Noah Trathen, to the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth for the 2024-2025 season. Trathen a three-year USPHL veteran, joined the Florida Eels in 2021 and over the course of his tenure played in 100 games, scored 56 goals, had 64 assists, and a total of 120 points.

Florida Native, Noah Trathen will head to the Northeast, attend the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth in the fall, where he plans to study business-finance. Trathen is excited to attend the University and be in the greater Boston area. Trathen states he has, “heard great things about the school and hockey program. I am just glad I get to be apart of it.” Noah will join fellow alumni Collin Patterson, and Brayden Goddard at the University this fall.

Noah is grateful for time with the Florida Eels, and their ability to “push the players to their potential.” Noah was a leading forward for the Eels, dominating the ice, and finding the back of the net. Regardless of Noah’s ability to find the back of  the net, and his talent to create skilled plays along with this teammates, “the coneheads”; Jared Salminen and Devin Shepherd, Trathen remained humble about his talents. Noah was never one to boast or brag about his skills, and continued to work hard both on and off the ice to develop further as a player.

Fort Myers Native, had the rare ability to continue to reside with his family during his tenure with the Florida Eels. Noah credits his family’s “support and understanding” in allowing him to train and pursue his passion for hockey, leading him to his overall success. Noah states he, “wouldn’t be where (he) is today without them.”

The Florida Eels are extremely excited for Noah as he embarks on his new journey at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, and wish him great success. Noah will continue to represent the Eels organization with impeccable character as he starts his college hockey career.

Goddard Commits to UMASS Dartmouth

Florida Eels are excited to announce the college commitment of Premier Defensemen Brayden Goddard to University of Massachusetts Dartmouth for the 2024-2025 season. Goddard a three-year USPHL veteran began his junior career with the Midwest Blackbirds in 2021, before joining the Florida Eels in 2022. As a powerhouse defenseman for the Eels Goddard earned the title of Assistant Captain for the 2023-2024 season. Goddard played in in 110 games, secured 22 goals, 55 assists and a total of 77 points during his junior career, and now moves onto start his college hockey journey.

The Vancouver, Washington native plans to make the journey to the east coast this fall to attend the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth where he plans to study business. Goddard states, “I have always been very keen of UMass Dartmouth. They have a very beautiful school, a very impressive level of education. It also has a very promising hockey program, with a great coaching staff.” Goddard is excited to join the university and help lead the hockey program to future successes like he has done for the Eels. Goddard will join fellow Alumni, Collin Patterson at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.

Goddard has loved living in sunny Florida and is very thankful for his time with the Florida Eels program, “I loved everything about the Eels, the support system is unbelievable, the coaching staff is so smart and make it easy to learn something new everyday, and they teach us a lot about being better people and improving as individuals both on and off the ice.” Leader of the Eels Goddard, took pride in participating in community events, such a fan meet and greets and helping the local community after the devastating impact of Hurricane Ian. Goddard, new to the area of Florida, embraced the local community as his own and wanted to help. It was this type of thing that helped Goddard thrive as a leader for the Premier team.

Brayden attributes his ability to grow and develop as a player, and his successes to the support he received from his family. Goddard states, “without the support of my parents, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to explore different parts of the country, meet the amazing people I’ve met, and have the ability to get in contact with colleges and coaches. They’ve been supportive of every decision I’ve made and are truly the main reason I am where I am.” Goddard’s strong family support has been a driving force in his hockey career and will continue to guide him as he heads to the east coast for college.

The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth is gaining a strong leader and character player to their school and hockey organization. The Florida Eels are extremely proud of Brayden and all his achievements, and know he will continue to represent the organization as a proud Eels Alumni.

Florida Eels Advance to Semi Finals

The Florida Eels Advance to Semi Finals, at the USPHL Nationals in Utica New York. The Florida Eels are currently in the number one seed, and will face off against the Islanders Hockey Club, number four seed, in the Semi Final Game, Monday March 25th at 6:00 PM.

The Florida Eels have battled hard throughout the four games played in Nationals, defeating the Patomic Patriots in a 6-5 over time win, the Metro Jets Development Program in a 5-1 win in the Seeding Round. They continued to power through as they defeated the Ontartio Jr. Reign 5-3 in Round 16, and the Fort Wayne Spacemen 4-2 in the Quarter Finals last night.

Regarless of battle, and win, the Florida Eels motto remains simply “Win the Day”. They continue to focus on one game at a time, as they strive to reach the Championship Round on Tuesday, March 26th. Tune in tonight 6:00pm as the play IHC in the Semi Finals to earn this spot. Lets Go Eels…

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